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6131 Logan Plastic Guides Set

6131 Logan Plastic Guides Set
Upgrade your Logan 2000 or Logan 4000 hand bevel mountcutters
They will then hook onto Logan and other guide rails. The #4000 cutter slides alongside a guide rail and with the plastic guides becomes a #702, which hooks onto a guide rail.
The same guides set can be fitted to the #2000 cutter, which then becomes a #302. The #702 and #302 cutters are only included in kits and are not available separately.
With the guides fitted, the #2000 and #4000 can also be used very effectively with Keencut Safety Edges.
See also:
6094 Keencut Safety Edge 900mm
Logan-Complete-Guide-Home-Picture-Framing.pdf - 13.70 MB
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