DELIVERY just £9.95
9076 Hooks for Panels up to 11mm pack 10

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9076 Hooks for Panels up to 11mm pack 10
Suitable for many kinds of portable displays and art exhibitions
This fits over most panels up to 11mm thick. A block-end suspender slides through the hole or a loop-top suspender hooks over. These can be translucent perlon or steel cable, silver. Available in six sizes to fit over panels up to 31mm
Steel, white painted. Designed and manufactured by Basiq
See also the Panel Over-hook Flexi which quickly adjusts to panels 11mm to 30mm.
To hang, choose suspenders with block-end which slip through the hole in the Over-hook. Or use suspenders with loop-top which simply hook over the Over-hook.
On both perlon and steel cable, use adjustable hooks.
Please feel free to ask any questions about this product.