DELIVERY just £9.95
10392 Whiting 2.5kg

10392 Whiting 2.5kg
Very high quality grade of whiting, used mainly by gilders
Also for use by artists to add texture and bulk to paint.
Gesso is a traditional base coat for gilded frames. Once hard and smoothed, coat with bole or gesso-bole.
Gesso - make your own with this recipe:
Fill a 200g coffee jar with cold water. Add 7 heaped teaspoons of rabbit skin glue granules, and leave to soak for at least 4 hours.
Heat in a double glue pot, but never allow to boil. Strain.
Add 6-7 heaped tablespoons of whiting - stir gently to avoid bubbles then strain.
Should keep for up to two weeks in fridge. Apply with round gesso brush - as any metal on the brush may corrode & taint the gesso.
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