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3963 STAS Picture Hanging Rail Pack 1.5m length White

3963 STAS Picture Hanging Rail Pack 1.5m length White
This pack includes everything to install the 1.5m length of Cliprail MAX picture hanging rail and to hang pictures
The STAS Cliprail Max picture hanging rail is screwed to the wall and the profile design means that it can be positioned right up to the ceiling.
Once the rail is in place, the Cobra perlon suspenders hook into the picture hanging rail. The Smart Spring picture hooks slide onto the perlon and adjust by squeezing.
This Cliprail Max pack contains the hanging rail, fixings, suspenders and hooks that you will need to hang two smaller frames or one larger frame. A great way to experiment with a Stas picture hanging rail system.
The STAS Picture Rail Hanging Pack contains:
10130 1 x STAS Cliprail Max 2m length #RC10220
4838B STAS Cobra perlon suspenders 1.5m x 2 #CP10120
3823B STAS Smart Spring picture hooks x 2 #HA30900
5822 STAS Fixing buttons for Cliprail Max rail #RD40100
10220 STAS Rail Joiners #RD40200
6176 & 6177 STAS Wall screws and plugs for buttons #SR30100 & #SR50300
10208 1 x STAS Cliprail Max End caps #RY10100
You will also need a drill and small tools.
Cliprail MAX kit is STAS ref: # BL10002, 3963 pack is 1700mm x 33mm x 22mm.
This item cannot be shipped overseas due to its length.
More info:
Click here for STAS Picture Hanging Rails
Click here for Cliprail installation hardware and accessories
Click here for STAS Cobra suspenders for hanging pictures
Click here for STAS adjustable picture hooks
STAS Drilling Template.pdf - 581.72 KB
Also in the Range View Range
Q: Does this picture hanging kit consist of a narrow rail, clear clip in cables and sliding adjustable hooks to attach pictures to, as galleries use for exhibitions? I cannot see what this pack consists of..... Thank you. Jess
A: Hi Jess, the pack contents are • Stas ClipRail Max 1.5m x 1 White • Perlon suspenders 1.5m x 2 • Fixing buttons 5 + joiner x 1 • Screws + wall plugs x 6 • Endcaps for rail x 2 • Stas Smart Spring hooks x 2
Please feel free to ask any questions about this product.