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3620 T Screw Driver Adaptor
3620 T Screw Slotted Driver Adaptor for electric screwdrivers
T-screws are a very popular way to hang pictures and mirrors safely and securely
The T-screws are a rather clever design, and only have one drawback. Once the hole is drilled and the wall plug inserted, the T-screws can be rather awkward to screw in. For just a few, pliers can be used.
For bigger jobs, this little gadget fits into almost any electric drill or screwdriver. Easy to use and greatly speeds up multiple frame installations.
Made in USA. AMS #555-2-11-A
See also:
2006 T Screws
889 T screw spanner. Slips behind frame to turn T-screws to lock and un-lock
2008 Slotted plates
10305 Universal Socket for Driving T Screws
2954 SpringLOCK, another safe and secure way to hang frames
PUB113 T Screw kits for Wood and Aluminium frames.pdf - 2.75 MB
Please feel free to ask any questions about this product.