SpringLOCK Release Tool and Marker Button 10 pack

SpringLOCK Release Tool and Marker Button 10 pack
£43.94 Ex Vat
In Stock (23 available)

Quantity: 10


7165B SpringLOCK Release Tool With Marker Button 10 pack

This Release Tool is used to release frames locked to a wall with SpringLOCK© anti-theft for wood and polymer frames

The tool hooks behind a bridge fixed to the back of the frame. Pulling it sideways releases the lock which slides out allowing the frame to be lifted off the screw in the wall.

Each Release Tool has a marker button welded into it. This speeds work when the need arises to mark the position of a third screw in the wall at the bottom of the frame.

This SpringLOCK Release Tool is 111mm long, with a Marker Button fitted.



PUB052 SpringLOCK Instructions.pdf - 765.59 KB


PUB113 T Screw kits for Wood and Aluminium frames.pdf - 2.75 MB



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